One Collective Elgin

Connect Now


The key to lasting change is working together.

When you join our team in Elgin as a partner, your involvement means that needs across the city can be addressed. It's because of you that a foundation for lasting change is being built today. There are 4 things you can do right now:

Dream about what it could look like for every person in the City of Elgin would have access to food, freedom, and forgiveness. Begin to harness the energy that comes from that dreaming!


The more people that you tell what One Collective Elgin is doing, the more likely the person with the right resource will be matched with the person with the right need. Click here to see the social media page, then, click "share."


Partner financially. We are currently fundraising to fund a new local staff person, working to solve housing and homelessness, and building trustworthy collaborations — and we’re preparing to engage in more areas as people come together. The more you give, the more can be accomplished.

Click here to become a financial partner and set-up a recurring monthly gift.


Set-up a time to connect with a staff member. We’ll get to know you better, and you will be paired with a customized opportunity. If you’re not ready for that — send us a message or simply subscribe to our newsletter.

You can make an impact when you come together with the whole community


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